GHIAMAT the desert cold only escape from themselvesfuckedover land mass buried beneath sand I stand in the desert and count the seconds of my life before the end.
There is nothing for me to compare the space or time to. There is
really only nothing. I can only still, stand for a while, until the space
erases itself into the cold yellow brown of sand and cold. I could
bury myself into erasure of the machinefucked existence of our
new now, this empty now, this only now that can carry further out of
the nothing the nothing the nothing the only way for maintain
in this apocalypse of our selves, our space, our time, my cock pulsing
hard with the blood of all sacrificed innocents, I hold my breath.
the emptiness of caskets that
is nowhere to be found but the whole of the hole to bury a body in |
ADOLESCENCE feeling another body inside of your own like god refusing to answer a simple question I walked up to the boy and asked him what he had beneath his pants.
He told me but I didn't believe him and asked him to show me, so he
did. I took hold of the appendage and thought of sticks on trees and
how we are all part of something, but then I laughed at my naivety
and stuck the machineappendage into my mouth. It tasted like salt
and I believed him when he said it felt good. I took off my skirt
and showed the boy my gash because he didn't believe me when I
described it to him. I told him that the gash was the future, what
would happen to him if he disobeyed what I told him. He stuck his
tongue inside. He stuck his finger inside. I laughed, it tickled.
My clitoris burning like the sun that shined above us in this desert
heat. He stuck his machine inside and pumped in and out and I didn't
bleed because it's too dry here. I felt good until I laughed at the sun
and the sun got angryfuckeddeathsad at me. I laughed more until
the sun stopped and I felt something move inside of me. I wanted
the experience so when I grew up I could call the experience rape.
failure of the body understand
the machinesun |
VIOLENCE the only sun of godsun fucked its way to the ground of running waters forgotten source outside of this our hole machine On my walk home from the desert I saw a man take another man's
head in his hands and twist I heard a crack that sounded like a hill
rolling full sand rock crash twist. Mechanisms twisting in pain like
dirt. Not dirt, sand. I watched a man kill another man and my fresh
pressure towards orgasm erupted into the mud of creation. The men
were unfamiliar but I wanted to know both of them, I wanted to
exchange my tale of lust for theirs. This is how bodies can interact
with one another, the godlustdeaththrust of parts and parts and parts
things that go inside one another, cracks and blood and come all
one and the same when we are all from a rib. I am no one without
your pain, I shouted. Neither the dead man nor the man walking away
looked back at me. I ran in my skirt to the body and touched it all over.
I felt the broken bones under tight skin darkened in the heat of
the sun. I felt everything that was once breathing. I think I can understand
I yelled at the sun but the sun did not yell back. My godliftsun could
not understand me, and this made me cry tears. I traced the tears
onto the body of the dead man and reached into his pants to touch
his flaccid sex. THIS IS NOT A MACHINE. This is only what it means
to be empty inside.
machinesungod flash
body laughing damaged heat shit shimmer shimmer ingsandsad fuck these places of rest |
REFUSAL skin mother alive into the sand blood melts like our accelerated structures a projection against heat sell sell sell shout My mother was waiting for me when I got home so I touched her
neck and pushed until her breathingbreastheave stopped and still
the sun burned down. Father screamed and I pulled a knife from the
kitchen/s(h)elf fresh from meat and put it into new meat of father's
side like the lamb of christ I thought to myself but couldn't remember
what the reference meant. Maybe I should call my brother in the city
and ask him how to dispose of bodies. Maybe I should call to this sun
this sun-day sun or just bury the bodies in the sand. My sex's erosion
echoed that of the ground in this heat. Nothing. Nothing. My family
is your family is god's family is the sun's familydinnerpartyonthelawnICE.
I want to erase your face mother I can shout I want to erase your arms
father I want to put the ground back where it belongs, that is inside of
bodies of bodies of bodies of space.
the sun god smiles today
for the heat is melt |
WANDERING the sun smell smilelaugh at the bodies stuck in the brown of where i'm heading I walked into the head of the sungod's sun and saw the shine of this laugh,
this laugh that was guiding me now. I was lost but not lost because the way
sand works is that you're always the same place again and again and again.
This way to walk erases history because I know my body denies this history
anyway. My breasts wanted to swell but the lack of moisture stopped
my heave. Sigh I shouted PLEASE SUNGOD TAKE ME because I knew
this gash could only be filled by the ink of the page I mean god's patriarchal
member. But so I walked so I walked. Unendingly it seemed until I saw the
future in the distant oasis of water and air. Alchemy. Space time continuum.
But only sun and light. My feet dug into the ground. Heating this body
my heatlust shouts, YES GOD YES SUN YES GOD GIVE ME A GUN
TODAY. But I still never had sunburn with my dark flesh.
the nevermelt of this building
this this sandspace God's silent sunlaugh I shoot I shoot until burst |
SCREEN the sungod shouts WATCH THIS please WATCH the instant of remarkablility forward together forward The violence unfolded in front of my naïve young girl eyes. But I was
nothing that could understand now, I had new desires. I touched my bud
as the images unfolded. On the screen in the desert, the desert-screen:
Two men tied up in an empty room, the sun absent in the basements of
musk and bone, nude men, I knew this now, I understood the body parts,
the men approached by other men who cut bloodmarks into the bodies,
the bloodmarks leaking upon clothe and created the permeated color
of dusk, I watch the men get hit and sigh and scream and moan and
I could not understand the emotion these sounds were supposed to
deliver, they were not near they were distanced by the sunscreen of
god's projector ONLY IN THE ICE NO the sun could still laugh
at my insistence that there was a grand narrative, the bodies continued
to be marked by the paint of blood via the metal extensions of hands,
sharp, these other men painting their art that of a new life their own sex
raised like the boy's but different, more sturdy, more intrusive, these
machines raised to our sun as the bodies the other bodies because redder
and redder, sore and shouting and slowly obliterated into a RED HEAT
OF GOD'S LAUGH. I touched a bump above my sex and understood
these prehensile extensions, ah, this is cinema.
flickerflash god laugh
hide the sun for the screen's dim we can eat now of the flesh of images |
FUGUE refusing another body inside your own because penetration leads no mark only capitalist impulse to colonize WE EAT FLESH and with this note I refused the boy's confusion
and gnashed his fresh cock between my teeth feeling the texture
of the skin. what do you not understand I took my
hands onto his sides and slapped until red showed, this burning
red, not like burnt skin but like the fire under the sky when the
dark takes the sun. EAT MY FLESH I yelled at the boy until he
broke down in tears and I shoved my cut onto his mouth and made
him taste my salt. YOU will never be a man was what my
body was telling his whether he understood me or not. I took his
gnawed off flesh and shoved it inside of my cuntpocket while the
boy cried beside me and understood what it meant to be god.
THIS SUN'S mad(/e)ness is like
a reading light for the paths & cracks of a fresh new body's refusal |
RETURN TO THE DESERT mother skin'd alive her skin rooted to the ground in a rug of godsunlaughspittal yes sir i'd like another In the desert I walk forward and follow the light. In the desert I
walk forward and follow the light. The sun the head. I cannot
sweat. In the desert I walk forward and follow the head. Fugue
to water and believe in man over machine. YOUR CALL CANNOT
BE COMPLETED AS DIALED. In the desert I walk forward and
follow the sun I follow the heat I follow the light. A direct line from the last
point to the next one. The shortest distance between two points a
straight light. The desert eradicates perspective and all movement
becomes a straight line only. But not a line a point. My body knows
movement and this is not it. My body knows the blood seeping out
of my cuntpocket. In the desert I walk forward and follow god.
heat laugh sweat god sun
no, this is not he heat laugh sweat sun shit my garments soild |
THE MONOLITH the dead sun bleats below and with walking only can the rise be encountered The light presents them to me. Tombs towering to heaven away from
the fuckskygodlaugh of the dead black sun. I cower like sky and my
sex buzzes. These are the dead, in front of me, appendages to the
earth. These desert tombs. Layers of rock sediment dirt slab body slab
dirt earth earth behind glass like a fishtank but only god's fishtank
dry ariddeathblacksund to THE ONE TRUE GOD and these tanks these
tombs this life I find myself sad and my body is filthy I am covered in
dirt semen drying on my calves and my skirt torn red my blood the
spunk this figure I feel rooted and run my hands against the glass that
the livesun sparkles reflections the bodies crushed under heavy cement
slabs whose god has permitted this, lost in this desert, this understanding
of my body knows the blood seeping into the sand of the ground and
my countenance shakes pulses like heat the earth shouts that she is
sun and my confusion brings me to tears, this understanding of stasis
this new light shaking everything around me peripheral invasion of
the sense of GODBLACKSUNDEATH I want to climb to the top and
prostrate myself to this reversal, this shift, this sun. The image burns
my retinas and I can never forget what the blacksun has shown my
dirt eyes this desert heat-screen of lust and desire that only now ONLY
NOW does my cuntpocket blow up like a balloon to push this ground
dig my feet in. In death we can know how to be god in death we can sun.
true death light blacksun
skyscraping obelisks of capital-thru-bleat-fuck-sand & this |